Australian UFOs Full Documentary - 2017 - Jeffery Harris - 14/4/2017

Jeffery Harris

This is a remarkable eye-popping one-hour documentary that features extraordinary UFO sightings and encounters. The result is an amazing cross-section of . Documentary, 2017. Subscrib Please --== Australian UFOs and Alien Encounters Down Under (Full Documentary) . 2013 2017 This documentary as well as all of the rest of these . [New ufo documentary 2017] UFO Encounter at Australian High School - Full Documentary UFO Full HD Documentary ufo, ufo documentary ufo documentary . OZ SKIES | UFO Sightings Australia - Full UFO Documentary. Set in Australia we look at sightings and witness testimonies of ufo craft. Education on the.

Australien Skies 2: Contact Of Interest - 1/23/2018

Australien Skies

“Australien Skies2: Contact Of Interest” is the second film in the critically acclaimed "Australien Skies" UFO series from documentary filmmaker Don Meers. In “Contact Of Interest” we accompany Don as he returns to Kiama in New South Wales to visit UFO contactee Liam Freaney, who appeared in the first Australien Skies film. With a collection of UFO footage, black helicopters and claims of government conspiracy, Liam’s appearance in the first film caused a great deal of excitement and controversy. However, as Don discovers, not all is well with Liam. In the time that has passed, his experiences have taken a decidedly darker turn. Contact Of Interest asks the question “Is capturing a video of a UFO the end of peoples experiences or could it be only the beginning into the far broader landscapes of this phenomenon"

Project Camelot: Michael Tellinger - Adams Calendar Documentary

Project Camelot

Published on Aug 23, 2011

Back in June of 2010 I made a trip out to see Adam's Calendar and the stone circles of South Africa. This is a documentary made of my journey. Shot in a guerilla filmmaking style this documentary captures the real flavor of the place, the ambiance and wonder and magic of what may well be one of the most amazing and overlooked ancient sites on Planet Earth. Michael Tellinger is the well known author of SLAVE SPECIES OF GOD, TEMPLES OF THE AFRICAN GODS, and ADAM'S CALENDAR. These works take off from the work of Zecharia Stichin and reveal what may well be the site where the Anunnaki genetically modified the DNA of humans...

Patty Greer - Crop Circles Diaries - Plasma Balls Produce Crop Circles In Seconds

Crop Circle Diaries” is the most important Crop Circle movie ever produced by award winning filmmaker Patty Greer. She takes the viewer deep into to the UK epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomena in Wiltshire England which is very other-worldly! Crop Circle Diaries - The Oliver's Castle Crop Circle Footage is Real! Crop Circle Diaries - from Patty Greer Films - 7 Min clip Https:// This 7 Minute Clip from "Crop Circle Diaries" features Patty Greer's Contact event and explains why she believes the Oliver's Castle footage from 1996 is Real! Crop Circle Diaries is Patty Greers 8th and most important documentary film yet. Crop Circle Diaries received 2 EBE awards at the largest UFO film festival in the world, the International UFO Congress Film Festival for Best UFO Feature Film 2017 and the Peoples Choice EBE Award 2017.  Patty feels the big questions were finally answered on the Crop Circle phenomenon by exposing the suppressed scientific discoveries and the most advanced Crop Circle research to date with impeccable evidence from the lab of the great scientist William Levengood. The film features Patty Greer the experiencer and Penny Kelly who worked with William Levengood in his lab for the last 16 years of his life. First hand data from the lab and first hand experience from the Crop Circle fields brings you a punchline like no other film yet! This award winning movie explains it ALL in full for those who really want to know! The film explains how Crop Circles are coming out of the earth in counter-rotating plasma vortices, they are not coming down from the sky! Ultimate Punchline = The seeds inside Crop Circles grow 30-400% more crop with up to 75% more nutrition per plant. The seeds becomes Super-Seeds that can survive when conditions are too cold or too hot, too dry or too wet. This is BIG NEWS!! As new advanced technologies, free energy and ET technologies rollout on earth this will surely be one of the top technologies to assist with bringing back our organic food supply. Crop Circle Diaries also presents incredible authentic footage of plasma balls creating Crop Circles in seconds in both England & France! Crop Circle Diaries weaves the wisdom and experience of 2 women who intimately know Crop Circles. Reviews have been consistently stellar! Crop Circle Diaries Film Reviews: Crop Circle Diaries by filmmaker Patty Greer is so ground-breaking that it is the first film I have seen that should be made into a science textbook for mandatory distribution with the film, to: Futurists Agriculturalists Nutritionists EducatorsAll United Nations officials All high school and university physics students All elected public officials concerned with governance world wide Crop Circle Diaries is a clear and transparent bridge from the Era of Energy = petroleum/nuclear + explosions to the Era of Energy = plasma + consciousness. Crop Circle Diaries is an open invitation from Mother Earth to humanity from her intermediary, Patty Greer. Alfred Lambremont Webre,, top international internet radio show host *** Crop Circle Diaries movie review by Sacha Stone 6/22/17 Patty Greer once again delivers a mind-bending, paradigm-altering glimpse into reality. She does so in her usual style, by side-stepping the subversive elements and narratives being promulgated within the alternative science and UFO scene. Greer is a veteran at this truther game and remains a force to be reckoned with. Long may she reign as frontiersman in disclosure by continuing to unearth the genesis and mystery of modern crop-circle phenomena. Sacha Stone Stream or purchase DVDs -

Giants, Super Soldiers, And The Days Of Noah - Steve Quayle & Tim Alberino

GenSix Productions

Published on Jan 8, 2015

Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino have recently launched GenSix Productions, a film production company dedicated to dealing with the contemporary implications of the Genesis 6 narrative, and the imminent reemergence of the days of Noah. GenSix Productions seeks to unmask the hidden agenda of fallen angels, and the sinister conspiracies of their Luciferian elite, in order to help prepare those who have eyes to see and ears to hear for the dark days that are looming on the horizon. GenSix Productions is currently seeking financial partners who would like to help us fund an extraordinary expedition, and produce an unprecedented documentary film and television series that will reveal some of the most compelling evidence of active star gates and living giants, as well as demonstrate, beyond all doubt, that the gates of hell are opening all over the earth. If you would be interested in becoming financially involved with us, please contact Steve Quayle at

Thrive Documentary - What On Earth Will It Take ? - 5/4/2012

THRIVE Movement

Published on Apr 5, 2012

Stay informed, subscribe to our mailing list: Buy the DVD w/ 50+ minutes of bonus features: Follow us on Facebook: For the first time, Foster and Kimberly are hosting live, interactive, online video events to engage the Thrive Movement in addressing key principles and strategies to inform the most leveraged solutions. Check out our new ThriveTogether initiative ( to learn more.

If you value what is presented in this movie, please go to where you can support Thrive Movement by making a donation. You will also find more in-depth information on each of the subjects discussed in the movie, learn about Critical Mass initiatives supported by Thrive, and connect with others who are waking up and taking action. Film Synopsis: THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.