Space Force Is One Big Lie! - Steve Mack 21/6/2018

Steve Mack

Published on Jun 21, 2018

SPACE FORCE IS ONE BIG LIE! President Donald Trump directed the Pentagon to create a sixth branch of the Armed Forces: a Space Force. But the process of creating a new military service is more complicated than simply telling the Pentagon to make it so. Trump’s announcement came during a meeting with the National Space Council, shortly before he signed Space Policy Directive-3. The directive aims to keep satellites, space stations, and debris from careening into each other as they orbit the Earth at tens of thousands of miles per hour. It’s not something the US can do alone. In fact, the directive acknowledges that “spaceflight safety is a global challenge” and pledges to emphasize “the need for international transparency and [space traffic management] data sharing.” “THAT’S A BIG STATEMENT.” So the real reason Trump was talking about space had nothing to do with a Space Force. But he nevertheless took the opportunity to direct the Pentagon to create one, citing national identity and national security. “When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space,” he said. He told the Defense Department “to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the armed forces. That’s a big statement,” he said. To effectively coordinate space traffic requires international cooperation. So bombastically declaring America must dominate space sent mixed messages to the international community, according to Brian Weeden, director of program planning for a space policy NGO called the Secure World Foundation. “I’m worried that the impromptu Space Force announcement has overshadowed the space traffic management release and is going to hinder US ability to do international outreach and cooperation on the space traffic management.” Trump didn’t exactly pioneer the idea that America must dominate space; that’s what the original space race was about. More recently, George W. Bush revived space nationalism in his 2006 national space policy. “It prompted a lot of angst because it took a very unilateral and nationalistic tone about what the US intended to do in space,” says Theresa Hitchens, a senior research associate at the University of Maryland’s Center for International Security Studies. And Russian and Chinese tests of what may have been anti-satellite weapons prompted a shift toward thinking of space as a warfighting domain near the end of the Obama administration, Weeden says. “Senior US military leaders started talking about space no longer being a sanctuary and conflict on Earth extending into space,” Weeden says. “That happened before Trump came into office.” SUBSCRIBE; Unexplained; D-Tube;!/c/stevemack CONNECT * Instagram: Info at;Sirius Disclosure Von Braun's Legacy; Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for «fair use» for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of «fair use». The recent amendments to the Copyright Act of 1976 pertain to music. «Fair use» remains in force for film and video. Compilation (not public domain footage) (C) Steven E Mack 2018

When Living 200 Years Becomes Normal - The End Of Ageing - Medical Science Documentary - 1/1/2016

Only Human

Published on Dec 1, 2017

Do you want to stop ageing? Do you want to live forever? Can science help you cheat death? In this pioneering documentary, Professor Rose Anne Kenny takes us through the science and the consequences of living longer lives. Imagine for a moment that old age became a thing of the past. Today, for better or for worse, it would appear that eternal life may soon be a reality. Some scientists are forecasting that the only way many humans will die is if they are shot or run over by a bus. The programme unveils what is happening in age prevention, shows how we can lengthen our own lifespans and explains how some scientists now believe we are closer than ever to finding the Elixir of Life. Such power over life itself poses many profound questions: what impact is it going to have on our societies? What preparations should our governments be making for an ever-ageing population? Do people really want to live longer and suffer the inevitable weakening of their capacities? And is it morally right to transcend human fallibility and assume the role of God? Click here to subscribe to the channel: Follow us on Facebook - Follow us on Instagram - Follow us on Twitter - Produced byTVF International

Bishop's Cannings Down Crop Circle 4K - 3/6/2018

Matthew Williams

Published on Jun 3, 2018

Area AKA Baltic Farm, Near Devizes Visit Crop Circle Connector for all the BEST QUALITY and latest circle photos. We are 99% of the time first place to hit the Internet with photos, so bookmark the CCC... Also you MUST check out our new 360VR crop circle page here: and MUSIC: Road to Nowhere by Ivan Ujevic PLEASE SPONSOR OUR WORK, you can pay via Patreon Sign up and a small monthly amount makes our magic possible for travel expenses to film these locations: CLICK HERE: PATREON SPONSORS ARE OUR SAVIOURS. Expertly stabilized by the ever wonderful MERCALLI software... where would I be without it! NEW: For researchers here are the extended "Superlong" Edits of all the crop circle videos. VERY LONG - but packed with extra detail...

Beyond The Light Barrier - Elizabeth Klarer - Documentary - 5/1/2017

Elizabeth Klarer

Published on Jan 5, 2017

She was born in Mooi River, Natal.[4] At age seven she and her older sister had their first supposed alien encounter outside their parents' farmhouse in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. Klarer claimed that they witnessed a plummeting pocked-marked meteor which was intercepted by a silver disc bathed in a pearly luster.[1] She matriculated from St. Anne’s Diocesan College in Pietermaritzburg, and moved to Florence, Italy, to study art and music. Thereafter she completed a four-year diploma in meteorology at Cambridge University, and learned to fly light aircraft.[1] After reading George Adamski's Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953) and Inside the Space Ships (1955), Klarer recalled that she had been receiving occasional telepathic messages from a friendly space alien named Akon since childhood. Akon was presumably unrelated to Adamski's Venusian space friend Orthon. She was able to take photos of the ship from the Drakensberg Mountains on July 17, 1955.[5] This was a similar arrangement to that made by Adamski with Orthon in 1952. Elizabeth Klarer is located in South Africa Elizabeth Klarer Location of Flying Saucer Hill, Klarer's claimed contact site in 1954, near Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal: 29°20′41″S 29°51′35″E Klarer managed to call down Akon and his scout ship on April 7, 1956, for an actual landing.[4] She was carried up to the mother ship in earth orbit, and – now the story becomes somewhat different from the mid-1950s contactee standard – was eventually transported in 1957 to Akon's home planet, Meton, orbiting in the nearby multiple-star system Alpha Centauri, where she and Akon had sex, she became pregnant, and eventually delivered a male child.[3] Her son, Ayling, stayed behind on Meton to be educated, while Klarer came home. The whole process, trip, lovemaking, pregnancy, delivery and return trip, supposedly required less than four months. Klarer took far more time before publishing a book, Beyond the Light Barrier (1980),[6] about her extraterrestrial adventures. On his world lecture tour in the late 1950s, George Adamski made a point of visiting South Africa and looking up Klarer for a chat on their variety of experiences with the friendly, wise "Space Brothers." By that time, Klarer was not the only Adamski follower to experience claimed space-motherhood.[7][8] Elizabeth Klarer died of breast cancer at age 84,[3] leaving her second book The Gravity File unfinished.[1] The book would have filled in the gaps of the first, besides explaining Akon’s "electro-gravity propulsion" technology. (Wikipedia)

Sirius Disclosure - Ufo Crash Recovery - Sgt. Clifford Stone Testifies - 4/11/2013

Sirius Disclosure

Published on Nov 4, 2013

Sergeant Clifford Stone, US Army. For more information, visit Subscribe at Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFO's and extraterrestrials dating back to the early 40's and probably before. General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the "keepers of this information." This unit was thought to be working in conjunction with Bluebook but in fact was not. Get updates by following The Disclosure Project and CSETI on: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: "Sirius" the movie available on Video-On-Demand at and for purchase on DVD at Get updates at: Documents and testimony from "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal The Greatest Secrets in Modern History" by Dr. Steven M. Greer. Music by Miguel Sala Leon.

Grant Cameron - The Goverments Disclosure Plan - 29/3/2018


Published on Mar 29, 2018

Many think the government is about to disclose what it knows about UFOs. Others believe the government is doing everything in its power to keep the UFO reality a secret. The truth is that those who control the UFO secret are doing neither. The secret-keepers are gradually disclosing this information via an acclimatization process, based on advice given by military think tanks that have looked at the issue. At this talk, the reader will learn how long this disclosure effort has been going on and how this covert plan is being carried out. Learn about the 14 Magicians in charge of managing UFO secrecy. Find out who the 5 Messiahs are, the ones chosen to deliver the disclosure message. Learn the 64 reasons why United States presidents have kept almost all UFO information secret. Discover what WikiLeaks has revealed about UFOs. Learn more about To The Stars, rocker Tom DeLonge’s disclosure effort. Hear which U.S. president had an abduction experience. Understand the story of "Trump the Aliens." Gain insight on President Trump's UFO briefing. Learn about the eight possible disclosure efforts currently underway, including the disclosure of a portal. Cameron is the author or co-author of six books on the UFO subject. In 1975, he had several personal sightings of a UFO-type object known as “Charlie Red Star.” During much of his career, he has focused on U.S. Presidents and the history of their involvement with UFOs and issues related to secrecy & disclosure. He has lectured internationally and received the prestigious “UFO Congress Researcher of the Year Award.”