A Quantum G'Day! - Matthew Klease - Malevolent Beings & Entities! - 3/5/2018

Bartley's Commentaries On The Cosmic Wars April 25th 2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 25, 2018

https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ In this segment of Bartley's Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses some of the Snowden Revelations including the mega Cyberwarfare being perpetrated by NSA and how people have already forgotten or never knew about Snowden's revelations. Today all we hear are allegations of Russian Cyber Hacking but Snowden revealed the depth and scale of NSA cyberwarfare. James also talks about Syria and also about Astral Manipulation. In Part 2 James discusses his upcoming interview with "Dhayaphim" who is one of the most important milabs and interdimensional operators to ever come forth with their testimony. Dhayaphim's experience strongly suggest at least some hybrid humans have similar abilities. This is something the Drac Overlords don't want us to know.

Huge Alien Disclosure As High Ranking People Disclose The Secret That Changed Everything - Grant Cameron


Published on Apr 14, 2018

This is one of the most important videos ever produced on the clandestine world of the UFO cover-up. Grant Cameron does more than demonstrate the reality of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Through tenacious investigation and impeccable research, they shine a light into inside groups that have managed this secret for decades. His conclusion is inescapable and shocking: this is a secret that the insiders themselves struggle to understand and contain. "Government agencies, at various times, precieve a need to release some UFO information to the public. Some, definitely not all. How do they do it? Always via avenues that leave no one at risk. That means ensuring there is no direct connection between the agency and whomever is doing the actual releasing. It also means the necessity of mixing in some false information. It means, ultimately, to tell the truth, but tell it slant. Until there is a full disclosure of the UFO/ET reality, deniability will remain paramount to those in possession of this great secret."

Steven Greer - Aliens Are Real, Stunning Previously Unseen CSETI Contact Event Revealed


Published on Apr 8, 2018

Steven Greer describes how the CSETI contact protocols have led to ongoing–and rapidly-increasing—contacts with interstellar civilizations and how these contact events are building to an astounding crescendo: We are now in the final Countdown to Transformation of life on earth, as we become a peaceful, universal society. New video and electronic audio evidence of ET contact from CSETI expeditions will be presented at this event, along with an overview of the innovative energy technologies that will give us a sustainable civilization on Earth! Dr. Steven Greer, organizer of the historic Disclosure Project Press Conference and founder of CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Dr. Greer will update us on global Contact and Disclosure initiatives and show us images from recent, stunning CSETI contact events. As governments around the world increasingly support disclosure, humanity approaches a time of world transformation in consciousness, energy, and social development. Learn how a major G7 country is preparing for contact, about pertinent initiatives from the Administration, and how you can get involved.

James Bartley - Bartley's Commentaries On The Cosmic Wars 1/2 - 25/4/2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 25, 2018

https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ In this segment of Bartley's Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses some of the Snowden Revelations including the mega Cyberwarfare being perpetrated by NSA and how people have already forgotten or never knew about Snowden's revelations. Today all we hear are allegations of Russian Cyber Hacking but Snowden revealed the depth and scale of NSA cyberwarfare. James also talks about Syria and also about Astral Manipulation. In Part 2 James discusses his upcoming interview with "Dhayaphim" who is one of the most important milabs and interdimensional operators to ever come forth with their testimony. Dhayaphim's experience strongly suggest at least some hybrid humans have similar abilities. This is something the Drac Overlords don't want us to know.

Human Hybrids - Scientist Admits Humans ARE Getting Alien DNA Upgrades - 31/12/2017


A new race of human beings has emerged. Whilst superficially they are undistinguishable however, they are the part of the next wave of rapidly advanced teachers, to assist humanity with the awakening of terrestrial consciousness. Human beings are awakening to their innate connection to the Universe. This is the primary role for all the NEW CHILDREN, coming to planet earth. The profiles of the Indigo children share the same attributes or are strikingly similar. They are highly intelligent, creative, psychic, telepathic and posses healing and clairvoyant abilities. This involves downloads of data such as our true genetic origins, using our psi skills with advanced technology, manipulation of matter, astrophysics and healing. Coupled with genetic, and spiritual programs for awakening of human consciousness, to assist humanity to evolve into a fully functional multidimensional human; Homo Noetics, the New Humans. Subscribe to UAMN TV for more new releases in 2017