Eve Lorgen Natural Original Awareness vs Demiurge A I Part 1

James Bartley

Published on Dec 9, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... Eve Lorgen returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the latest article on her website written by the Scandinavian Milab known as "Maarit" whom Eve had interviewed and written about in the past. Eve will discuss aspects of Maarit's latest article: http://evelorgen.com/wp/category/arti... In Part 2 Eve continues her discussion about the Natural Original Awareness versus the Demiurge A.I. and also talks about the Alien Love Bite.

James Bartley At Close Encounters Conference - Milab Space Ops

James Bartley

Published on Jul 28, 2017

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... James Bartley lectures at the Close Encounters Conference in Byron Bay Australia in January 2017. James discusses Milab Ops, Space Ops, Time Travel, Alternate Realities, Astral Detentions, dissociation, and much more

Bartley's Commentaries On The Cosmic Wars July 16th 2018

James Bartley

Published on Jul 16, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... James Bartley discusses Compromises and how making endless compromises cheats us out Determining our own Destiny. Instead of being creators and manifestors we become cogs in the machine. In part 2 James discusses Alternate Realities not just in a Milab sense but also from an OverSoul "Stand Alone" perspective.

Bartley's Commentaries On The Cosmic Wars April 25th 2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 25, 2018

https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ In this segment of Bartley's Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses some of the Snowden Revelations including the mega Cyberwarfare being perpetrated by NSA and how people have already forgotten or never knew about Snowden's revelations. Today all we hear are allegations of Russian Cyber Hacking but Snowden revealed the depth and scale of NSA cyberwarfare. James also talks about Syria and also about Astral Manipulation. In Part 2 James discusses his upcoming interview with "Dhayaphim" who is one of the most important milabs and interdimensional operators to ever come forth with their testimony. Dhayaphim's experience strongly suggest at least some hybrid humans have similar abilities. This is something the Drac Overlords don't want us to know.

James Bartley - Dhayaphim Multidimensional Opetative And Milab 1/2 - 23/4/2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 23, 2018

Part 2: : https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ Dhayaphim discusses some of her experiences with Extraterrestrials, Interdimensional Beings and deep black elements of the Military. Dhayaphim reveals aspects of interdimensional experiences which are rarely discussed but are known about certain milabs. Dhayaphim describes a hostage rescue op she took part in involving reptilians. She talks about some of her encounters with the military and she describes her innate metaphysical capabilities. In Part 2 Dhayaphim reveals more about her experiences with the Military both on Earth and in Off World Settings.

James Bartley - Cosmic Switchboard Show - Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch Reptilian Human Hybrid 1/2 - 17/4/2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 17, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch discusses her experiences as a Reptilian Human Hybrid who has had milab experiences and has had experiences with Secret Societies. Charmaine has reptilian human hybrid children which she is not in control of. Charmaine has been under constant surveillance and has been harassed by low flying Chinook helicopters. She talks about how a group of reptilians activated her reptilian DNA and made her shapeshift. Her website is: http://www.galactic-federation.co.uk/ Charmaine has been featured in the book "Meet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth" by Miguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb. In Part 2 Charmaine talks about being kidnapped by the military who tried to compel her to shapeshift into a reptilian.

James Bartley - Inside MILABS - The Darkside Of UFO's Archon, And AI - 6/4/2018

OffPlanet Media

Published on Apr 6, 2018

This is the first segment of the full interview with our guest. To see more content, join us at: https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia OffPlanet Radio with James Bartley, experiencer, researcher. investigator MiLABS, UFO sightings, govt. mind control programs and spiritual warfare Website: www.thecosmicswitchboard.com First hour (public): An overview and defintions of MiLABS, how they operate, why they exist; what are MiLAB abductions? How do they differ from other abductions---or DO they? Mind control and MiLABS Deep underground bases, both human and alien---postulate: what is "down there"? James' background and experience; his training with alien abduction researcher, Barbara Bartholic; Overview of military alliances with ETs, specifically reptilians. The "real" reptilians vs. the internet memes, David Icke, and what most people perceive them to be. Reptilians and other ET types...are there 'friendly' aliens? Why don't theyt assist us? Or DO they? US and western nations alliances with ET forces; from a military historical view, is this new or have we been "occupied" for...a long time. Second hour (members-only)-Visit https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia and become a patron Archons and aliens: the spiritual overview. Spiritual and healing methods for abductees and survivors of mind control projects. Shielding, repelling, and defending against both ET and High Spiritual entities. What is the "big picture" on ascension and the future of humans; A.I. threats and transhumanism.

Randy Maugans Artifcial Intellgence, Soul Harvesting, Social Engineering and Bitcon

James Bartley

Published on Dec 22, 2017

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ Veteran Investigator and pioneering radio show host Randy Maugans of http://offplanetradio.com/ talks about Cryptocurrencies, Artificial Intelligence, the Transgender Movement, Soul Harvesting and much more. Randy Mauganus also talks about how alot of what people think are not their own thoughts but thoughts installed by the matrix control system that we live in created through social engineering, tv, pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs which gives us a fake freedom in order to create a hive mind system. Randy explains bitcoin, how it works and what the block chain is. Randy also talks about how bitcoin is not functioning how it was originally intended to function in the satoshi white papers because of wild speculation. In Part 2 Randy Maugans talks about his own personal experiences including Milab/Project Type Experiences. This is a fascinating, enlightening and thought provoking interview.