Randy Maugans - OPTV 07-07-2019 | |James Bartley & Bernhard Guenther: The UFO Control Narratives-Seg 1

OffPlanet Media

Published on Jul 7, 2019

This is the first hour of a 2 hour presentation. For the FULL EFFECT, join us at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia James Bartley and Bernhard Guenther join Randy Maugans for an in-depth talk about the state of UFOlogy: the control narratives that run in the media, both alternative and mainstream (which are now blending into one); the so-called "news" of Navy fighter pilot engagements of UFOs, the To The Stars Academy (TTSA) franchise which was modeled in the alt-media via GaiaTV/David Wilcock/Corey Goode's "Cosmic Disclosure"; how alternative media has been infiltrated by intelligence assets and new age gurus using the UFO scenario to lure followers into dangerous traps. In the second segment, for our Patrons, we discuss the spirituality around paranormal events; how we need to view the inner work vs. externalizations; the inter-dimensional interference aspects of UFOs and ET abduction scenarios; doing critical grounding, body work, and exercising discernment. James' website: http://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com Bernhard's website: https://veilofreality.com MP3 Audio in the link below Articles related to the show: I See Dead People http://bit.ly/2LMW598 TTSA "DISCLOSURE": The Shadow Men and Big Takeover of UFOlogy http://bit.ly/2NE8ejA

Sofia Smallstorm: The Perceptron, A.I, Deep Learning and The Magnetic Body

OffPlanet Media

Published on Nov 23, 2018

Sofia Smallstorm checks in with a number of threads from her current intuitive research. To hear the full show, plus many other presentations, join us at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia Sofia’s website: http://sofiasmallstorm.com Avatar Products: http://www.avatarproducts.com/ We discuss: The Perceptron phenomena, ENIAC, the first multi-purpose computer developed at the University of Pennsylvania; first the fictional EMERAC computer in the Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn 1957 film, “Desk Set”; how mechanized human thought was being pursued by Frank Rosenblatt (1957) at Cornell University, funded by the US NAVY; we go into the Kasparov Vs. IBM “Deep Blue” chess match and the 2016 Google AlphaGo GO match with master player, Lee Sedol. How it may be that humans are now being “programmed” by adaptive software updates via computers and mobile devices; “Deep Learning”, A.I., neural networks, and heuristics lead us into questions about computers and perception, as well as the primacy of consciousness and abstract thought. Interwoven, Sofia talks about her findings on SLEEP, and some methods to enhance reparative rest; the magnetic body, and simple products and techniques to keep us healthy and aware. Hour two, for our memebers: turns to analysis of the California D.E.W. wildfires, the agendas behind the “big burn”, strange patterns and events; we revisit hour 1 for an analysis of A.I. and why humans can and will prevail. Resource: The book discussed on the Perceptron topics is “New Dark Age” by James Bridle, Article here: https://www.theguardian.com/books/201..

Off Planet Media - Thomas Williams: A view To Change

OffPlanet Media

Published on Sep 9, 2018

Thomas Williams joins Randy Maugans for a conversation about what is really occuring inside the system of the global elites. Website: http://thepeoplesclub.org/ Podcasts, special shows, and articles: https://thinkdifferent.thepeoplesclub... Live radio show broadcasts Thursday nights from 8PM-11PM-EST: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8955881 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/16311... Thomas Williams is an activist/broadcaster born in Liverpool England. He rejected modern "education" and began following his inner knowing about what was really going on in this world. An early encounter with a UFO sharply spiked his awareness, and he continued to self-learn about the systems that control all human activities via economics, education, religion, and social architecture, while maintaining work as a blue collar laborer He currently lives in the United States, and through his online activities has been privy to insider activities that pursue breaking the stronghold of both offworld and onworld control of human consciousness. He now works with a dedicated group of liberation specialists who appear to be in control of key elite assets, including the banking system. He believes the 2016 election was a decisive moment when the "switch was pulled" to prevent Hillary clinton from seizing power. As to the predisposition of the current US President: "Time will tell". Thomas founded The Peoples club, a sanctioned non-profit, in 2016 to be used to provide a platform for change and betterment of humanity via allocations of funds to be restored to the people. Topics: Faction wars, military-intelligence operations disrupted , a new quantum banking system, the QAnon leaks, the nature of human consciousness and how we break free by the inner work; "disclosure" and the ET agendas...and much more Music tracks: "In Tune" by Kelly Maize "Good Life" by Baiyu Track are used under Creative Common Licence and released by Frostwire.

Sonia Barett: The Human Game - Part 2 - The Mind - Off Planet Media

OffPlanet Media

Published on May 30, 2018

This presentation is hour 1 of the full 2 hour talk. Become a patron and get the full effect at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Sonia Barrett will be presenting "Moving into the Superhuman/Consciousness Age What it Takes to Unlock Your “Permission” Program in New York City this weekend, June 2, 2018. Randy Maugans will be attending this special event. For info. and tickets and information about all things Sonia, go to: http://www.therealsoniabarrett.com/  Sonia Barett rejoins us for part 2 of the series, "The Human Game. This episode focuses on Sonia's unique perspective on the mind: how it works, what controls it, and how we can become our own programmers. Topics include: Hour 1 The brain is a pattern matching mechanism; Color, light, and sound as part of brainwave patterns; Our first language is symbols; our bodies are purpose-built to the environmental space. Not all humans experience "reality" in the same way, or perspective; Who is "everybody"? We are free agents on this ride. Hour 2 (for our subscribers. visit https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia for details) We discuss traumatic mind control; "Not romancing the victim"; using the energy of our circumstances to catapult out of them; "Specialized fractal realities"; The game is a collective agreement; Living outside the construct.

James Bartley - Inside MILABS - The Darkside Of UFO's Archon, And AI - 6/4/2018

OffPlanet Media

Published on Apr 6, 2018

This is the first segment of the full interview with our guest. To see more content, join us at: https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia OffPlanet Radio with James Bartley, experiencer, researcher. investigator MiLABS, UFO sightings, govt. mind control programs and spiritual warfare Website: www.thecosmicswitchboard.com First hour (public): An overview and defintions of MiLABS, how they operate, why they exist; what are MiLAB abductions? How do they differ from other abductions---or DO they? Mind control and MiLABS Deep underground bases, both human and alien---postulate: what is "down there"? James' background and experience; his training with alien abduction researcher, Barbara Bartholic; Overview of military alliances with ETs, specifically reptilians. The "real" reptilians vs. the internet memes, David Icke, and what most people perceive them to be. Reptilians and other ET types...are there 'friendly' aliens? Why don't theyt assist us? Or DO they? US and western nations alliances with ET forces; from a military historical view, is this new or have we been "occupied" for...a long time. Second hour (members-only)-Visit https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia and become a patron Archons and aliens: the spiritual overview. Spiritual and healing methods for abductees and survivors of mind control projects. Shielding, repelling, and defending against both ET and High Spiritual entities. What is the "big picture" on ascension and the future of humans; A.I. threats and transhumanism.