OPTV w Sonia Barrett The Human Game part 6: All The Worlds A Stage Seg1

OffPlanet Media

Published on Mar 14, 2019

Randy Maugans and Emilhy Moyer with special guest, Sonia Barrett Sonia's website: https://www.therealsoniabarrett.com/ Sonia Barrett returns for part 6 of the series, "The Human Game", which finds us intersecting with real issues in real time, as Sonia explains her decision to not speak at "Contact In The Desert", after not feeling right about the event. We go into the issues behind certain types of conferences around the conspiracy/UFO themes; the people and the packaging; and the amusement park atmosphere. The fear vibes and paranoia that feeds the atmosphere of looshing and energy harvesting. The altered states, entrainment, and "gurus" with no real solutions. That this journey---this "game" is not a passive popcorn munching matinee, it is an actual exercise that requires effort and self-motivation. The game of creation: beat the game and find your way out instead of looping. Conquering death is the ultimate act.   In the second segment for our  Patreon, supporters, we expand the concepts, and discuss Sonia's article, The Weary Human which expands the "world as a stage" concept by contrasting our own sense of wearinesss with the counter-balancing of renewal and fresh expectations.How our own neural structure are both a defensive mechanism, and a filter to guide us to where we go and what we do. How we invest in the stories we tell, and the roles we play. All the world IS a stage. We choose to be the director, or the popcorn people!

Emily Moyer & Robert Phoenix: Celebrity Gutterballs & The Joe Rogan Enigma

OffPlanet Media

Published on Sep 2, 2018

Emily Moyer and Robert Phoenix cover current events including the Asia Argento sex scandal and the death of John Mc Cain. They then dive deep into the astrology of Joe Rogan in an attempt to understand his rise to the top of the information heap. Support Robert at www.robertphoenix.com In the 2nd hour we look into the darker side of Joe Rogan and what may really be behind his success. Pertinent links: Shooter Jennings- https://youtu.be/6zXXj1mNoPQ Candace Owens- https://youtu.be/9lD29jqH078 Chuck Palahniuk- https://youtu.be/v8ZCX0eywXw Valentine Thomas- https://youtu.be/JVgsyGbREVY Jan Irvin- https://youtu.be/ia4lHOCuyDw

Sonia Barett: The Human Game - Part 2 - The Mind - Off Planet Media

OffPlanet Media

Published on May 30, 2018

This presentation is hour 1 of the full 2 hour talk. Become a patron and get the full effect at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Sonia Barrett will be presenting "Moving into the Superhuman/Consciousness Age What it Takes to Unlock Your “Permission” Program in New York City this weekend, June 2, 2018. Randy Maugans will be attending this special event. For info. and tickets and information about all things Sonia, go to: http://www.therealsoniabarrett.com/  Sonia Barett rejoins us for part 2 of the series, "The Human Game. This episode focuses on Sonia's unique perspective on the mind: how it works, what controls it, and how we can become our own programmers. Topics include: Hour 1 The brain is a pattern matching mechanism; Color, light, and sound as part of brainwave patterns; Our first language is symbols; our bodies are purpose-built to the environmental space. Not all humans experience "reality" in the same way, or perspective; Who is "everybody"? We are free agents on this ride. Hour 2 (for our subscribers. visit https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia for details) We discuss traumatic mind control; "Not romancing the victim"; using the energy of our circumstances to catapult out of them; "Specialized fractal realities"; The game is a collective agreement; Living outside the construct.

Off Planet Radio - Freeman: Y2K And 911 To Trump And The End Of America - 20/5/2018

OffPlanet Media

Published on May 20, 2018

Alt -media legend, Freeman, joins Emily Moyer & Randy Maugans to unwrap the threads of conspiracy that lead to a New World Order---or DOES it? Website: http://freemantv.com This the FREE first hour of a two hour show. To get the "full effect", join us as a supporter at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia Freeman has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. He is an internationally-known, award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. A frequent guest on many high profile media outlets, as well as a widely published writer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations, he has lectured extensively on the secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, social engineering, government conspiracy, human cloning, technologies of the future and synchronicity. He is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations. Hour 1: From Y2K to the End of America The Honey Boo Boo Effect, Y2K ritual of opening the pit; Clinton's shame and the dismantling of the electoral process; "W" and 9-11 (the real meaning of 911); Obama and the un-American Presidency to Trump as the pivotal figure in the final takedown. Hour 2: The Inner Game-Reversing The Alchemical Flow---join us as a supporter at: https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia for the entire presentation Reversing the spells of the NWO magi; communities, tribes, and families counters the civilization builders; the openess to joy and grace as the conductor to fre-will economies; crowd sourcing the future....

Sonia Barrett: The Holocanvas & Transmuting AI - 5/1/2018

OffPlanet Media

Published on Jan 5, 2018

Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer with guest, Sonia Barrett Website: http://www.therealsoniabarrett.com/ Sonia Barrett is well known for her unique insights on the actual workings, both physical and metaphysical, of this reality. Her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality in a simplified format that addresses the programming, beliefs and concepts by which we have lived our lives both individually and collectively. In her own words: "Recognizing our spiritual and perceptual boundaries and comfort zones is a major factor in our quest for answers. In general, we are unaware of what we don't know and the distance widens even further when we are affixed behind a barrier of limiting beliefs. Reality is a great science that has know boundaries, only those we create for our comfort. There is no right or wrong way to grow but it can be of tremendous assistance in recognizing the limitations which hold us bound." Sonia is the author of the 'The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter' as well as several other titles. She i also the creator of the award winning documentary 'The Business of Disease.'

James Bartley - Inside MILABS - The Darkside Of UFO's Archon, And AI - 6/4/2018

OffPlanet Media

Published on Apr 6, 2018

This is the first segment of the full interview with our guest. To see more content, join us at: https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia OffPlanet Radio with James Bartley, experiencer, researcher. investigator MiLABS, UFO sightings, govt. mind control programs and spiritual warfare Website: www.thecosmicswitchboard.com First hour (public): An overview and defintions of MiLABS, how they operate, why they exist; what are MiLAB abductions? How do they differ from other abductions---or DO they? Mind control and MiLABS Deep underground bases, both human and alien---postulate: what is "down there"? James' background and experience; his training with alien abduction researcher, Barbara Bartholic; Overview of military alliances with ETs, specifically reptilians. The "real" reptilians vs. the internet memes, David Icke, and what most people perceive them to be. Reptilians and other ET types...are there 'friendly' aliens? Why don't theyt assist us? Or DO they? US and western nations alliances with ET forces; from a military historical view, is this new or have we been "occupied" for...a long time. Second hour (members-only)-Visit https://www.patreon.com/offplanetmedia and become a patron Archons and aliens: the spiritual overview. Spiritual and healing methods for abductees and survivors of mind control projects. Shielding, repelling, and defending against both ET and High Spiritual entities. What is the "big picture" on ascension and the future of humans; A.I. threats and transhumanism.