James Bartley's Cosmic Switchboard Show - David Wargon Phenomena Part 1

James Bartley

Published on Aug 17, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... David Wargon returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about the many different experiences he had which are difficult to categorise or quantify but nevertheless play a prominent and formative role in gaining understanding of ET and Hyperdimensional Phenomena. Each of these "little" inexplicable experiences add up over the years and some of these little experiences have tremendous significance.

Linda Moulton Howe And Barbara Lamb - New Evidence Of Galactic War? - 15/3/2017

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Published on Mar 15, 2017

Linda Moulton Howe and Barbara Lamb sit down with Alexis Brooks to discuss the possibility of a galactic war. But is it happening above our heads or below our feet? According to Linda, mysterious "BIG BOOMS" being reported by people worldwide have been happening since 2011 and the increase in these anomalous booms may be indicating a war taking place underground between humans and ET's. We discuss the scope of agendas certain ET races have toward humanity. Are their intentions good, bad, or a bit of both? This episode was filmed on-location at the 15th Annual Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles in February of 2017. Visit the website of Linda Moulton Howe at: http://www.earthfiles.com Visit the website of Barbara Lamb at: http://barbaralambmft.com/ Find ALL of our show archives at: http://www.higherjourneys.com/hjradio *** Please support Higher Journeys at: http://www.higherjourneys.com/donate *** Stay in touch with Higher Journeys: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/higherjourneys Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/higherjourneys Web Site: http://www.higherjourneys.com Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/h... INTRO/OUTRO music for this episode provided by: http://www.purpleplanet.com This Youtube Channel, associated Website and its content is copyright of Higher Journeys – © Higher Journeys 2017. All rights reserved.

Abduction Experiencer's Perception Of The Alien Agenda - Kathleen Marden - 21/6/2015

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

Published on Jun 21, 2015

Kathy examines the evidence and reveals what Experiencers have told her about the ET’s reasons for engaging human experimental subjects and their personal interactions with Grey, Reptilian, Nordic and Insectoid types.

My First MILAB Experience - Samantha Mowat 1/2/2017

Samantha Mowat

Published on Feb 1, 2017

Prior to this event, I was unaware of what a Milab was, I had predominantly experienced positive contact with extraterrestrial and multidimensional beings. Although, since this event I have had regular abductions where I have undergone physical examinations, I have had blood taken and I been placed into countless post apocalyptic scenarios with other Milabs. During this Milab experience I encountered a young man whom I shared a past life connection with, it was interesting to see how the connection between past lives and how it can effect our current incarnation.

Mike Clelland Discusses Owls, UFO's And The Hidden Reality - The Cosmic Switchboard - 6/5/2018

James Bartley

Published on May 6, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ Mike Clelland, author of "The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee" and "Stories from the Messengers: Accounts of Owls, UFOs, and a Deeper Reality" talks about his experiences with ETs and how The Owls insinuated themselves into his life at critical junctures. Mike talks about how Owls are Messengers and have appeared to many others who have had ET and UFO Experiences. Mike's websites are: http://hiddenexperience.blogspot.com.au/ and http://www.mikeclelland.com/-home-.html In part 2 Mike talks about the experiences of a friend of his in Arkansas who has had UFO, Interdimensional and Owl Experiences and also numerous sightings of very advanced drones. Mike also discusses some of the experiences of people who are mentioned in his second book "Stories from the Messengers." Mike discusses the Hidden Reality all around us and how Owls help us to see into this Hidden Reality.

James Bartley - Dhayaphim Multidimensional Opetative And Milab 1/2 - 23/4/2018

James Bartley

Published on Apr 23, 2018

Part 2: : https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... ‎ Dhayaphim discusses some of her experiences with Extraterrestrials, Interdimensional Beings and deep black elements of the Military. Dhayaphim reveals aspects of interdimensional experiences which are rarely discussed but are known about certain milabs. Dhayaphim describes a hostage rescue op she took part in involving reptilians. She talks about some of her encounters with the military and she describes her innate metaphysical capabilities. In Part 2 Dhayaphim reveals more about her experiences with the Military both on Earth and in Off World Settings.

James Bartleys's - Cosmic Switchboard Show - Lea Kapiteli Atlantean Aftermath Off World Voyages - 25/3/1018

James Bartley

Published on Mar 25, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... Lea Kapiteli, ET Contactee, Author and Artist, talks about her many contacts with different ET groups. Lea was mentored by more than one ET. Lea also describes her memories of a life in Atlantis and what she learned from her ET mentors about the Aftermath of the final destruction of Atlantis. Lea talks about being taught in an Academy in Atlantis. Lea was taken in an Out Of Body experience to a planet in the Pleaides by one of her ET mentors. Lea's website is: https://starseedlea.wixsite.com/stars... Lea is the Author of "A Soul Remembers" series of books which can be ordered from her website. Here is her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StarseedLea/

Awake And Empowered Expo - Babara Lamb - The Soul's Journey - 3/9/2016

Awake And Empowered Expo

In this episode of AAE tv, Ethann is joined by Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, Barbara Lamb. Ethann And Barbara discuss what she has learned from doing thousands of regression sessions with clients in which many were regressed into not only past lives, but also abduction experiences with Extraterrestrials. She also shares her findings into the ET hybrid program, why it exists, and her interaction with several ET Human Hybrids. Also discussed are topics including parallel lives and the purpose of the soul's journey through reincarnation. About Barbara Lamb Barbara Lamb is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist. She maintains a psychotherapy practice in Claremont, California, and offers counseling and therapy services for individuals, couples, families and children, covering a wide variety of concerns. She conducts Hypnosis to help people achieve the changes they want to make. She is also a specialist in Regression Therapy, having been trained for several years in the 1980's by the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (APRT), which is currently called the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies(IARRT). For many years she has assisted people by conducting regression therapy: taking them to the original source of their problems and concerns, which sometimes includes revisiting significant events in previous lifetimes. In 1991 Barbara began working with ET experiencers (people who have encounters with extraterrestrial beings). She has counseled and conducted regressions with more than 1400 of these people, totalling at least 3000 regressions. Twenty-five of these cases are included in her book ALIEN EXPERIENCES, a collaborative work with writer and illustrator Nadine Lalich (2008). She is a teacher in the UFOlogy Department of the online International Metaphysical University. A prominent Crop Circle researcher since 1990, Barbara researches and conducts tours to crop circles in England each summer. She co-authored the book CROP CIRCLES REVEALED: LANGUAGE OF THE LIGHT SYMBOLS with Judith K. Moore (2001). She is a highly-sought lecturer on the subject of the Extraterrestrial phenomenon and on the subject of the Crop Circle phenomenon. She has presented at many national and international conferences, MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) chapters, and other widely known events. She has been interviewed for numerous films, television specials, radio programs and internet broadcasts. barbaralambmft.com Awake and Empowered TV with Ethann Fox on CCN As the energy of our planet is shifting and changing, many who are awakening have come to realize their world is quite different than they were taught and had imagined. Societal institutions, religious traditions and mainstream media focus on our physical reality, materialism and other negative aspects of our reality, blocking our spiritual connection to the Divine. To support an emerging shift of consciousness in the world, now more than ever, people are in need of real world tools, and inspiration to cause positive change and support a higher vibration. Awake and Empowered TV is the impetus for raising vibration and increasing awareness of the positive aspects of this transition and where we are headed as a global consciousness. Join spiritual teacher and host, Ethann Fox every Saturday at 12 p.m. GMT, 7 p.m. EST to create a new view of your world. Explore all of the positive aspects of the evolutionary changes on our planet that are emerging right now, just beneath the surface of mainstream reality. Each week, Ethann brings you the pioneers of our time from around the globe who are on the forefront of the expansion of human consciousness in the areas of technology, health, spirituality and science. You will also discover: About Ethann Fox Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher, energy healer, the founder of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and the visionary behind the Awake and Empowered Expo. His background in the business and financial markets as a professional trader and business owner is coupled by over 20 years as an accomplished astrologer and numerologist. Walking both the spiritual and business worlds, Ethann’s experience has given him an unconventional view and approach to personal happiness and professional success, melding the two as one. About Flower of Life: http://www.floweroflifecenter.org/ About the Awake and Empowered Expo:http://awakeandempoweredexpo.com/about About an Energy Transfer: http://www.ethannfox.com See our line up of other incredible presenters: http://awakeandempoweredexpo.com/pres..

Kerry Casidy - Eamonn Ansbro: Astronomer - An Update On His Quantum Experiment To Contact ET - 9/2/2018

Project Camelot

I interview scientist and astronomer EAMONN ANSBRO about the status of his quantum experiment to contact ET. FRIDAY FEB 9TH ! 1PM PT / 9 PM UK TIME GO TO http://projectcamelot.tv to access his powerpoint presentation GO TO: http://setikingsland.org/ for more info and to contact Dr. Eamonn Ansbro. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelot.tv

Gigi Young - The RH Negative Blood Type - 14/2/2018

Gigi Young

How does the RH- blood type factor into the soul's expression? Is RH- associated with extra terrestrials? ------------------------------------------------ My Links ☾ → WEBSITE: http://gigiyoung.com → INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/gigi_young → FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gigiyoungdotcom → CosmicCollective: http://cosmiccollective.co → My Blog: http://moonbirdblog.com