James Bartley Interview May 2019, on UFOlogy and societies fear based ideologies

Rose Erkan

James Bartley is an amazing researcher with a lot of knowledgable experience within the UFOlogy community. He has experiences with Reptilians and being targeted from a young age. We discuss about how he found his path leading into UFOlogy and also how difficult it is to discuss these sort of topics within society. It's liberating to be able to share these topics with a like-minded soul, who has done tremendously accomplished work that ultimately comes from a place within his heart, and empowers us to face and change what doesn't serve us. He is a way-shower, and a fear buster, and I really admire James' eloquent talking mannerisms. Thanks again James, I loved the chat. Please check out the wealth of information on James' website: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com