Jim Goodall SR 71 Area 51 And Bob Lazar 1/2 - 28/4/2018

James Bartley

Published on Mar 20, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... Jim Goodall, a world renowned expert on the SR-71 Blackbird, Stealth, Nuclear Submarines and Area 51 talks about what he has learned from being involved in the Military Aviation and Aerospace field for over sixty years. Jim knew Bob Lazar before Bob Lazar joined the alien back engineering project at S4. Jim knew Ben Rich, the late Director of Lockhead's Legendary "Skunk Works" personally and has developed a number of sources who worked at the Groom Lake Area 51 Complex who told him about the back engineering of Alien Technology and much more. Jim is the author of over two dozen books about the SR-71, Stealth Fighters and Nuclear Submarines. Jim's Facebook profile can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/jim.goodall....

Kerry Cassidy - Remote Viewing Area 51 & Tunguska - Courtney Brown And Daz Smith - 12/10/2017

Kerry Cassidy - October 12, 2017 : I interview Courtney Brown and Daz Smith about their recent remote viewing experiences with Area 51 & Tunguska... Lots of strange info coming forward about Reptilians, other races and a targeted hit on Planet Earth... For more info go to: http://farsight.org/ KERRY CASSIDY

Kerry Cassidy Interview With David Adair - Alien Technology - 16/3/2017

 Project Camelot

I interview David Adair. This is my first interview with David. We discuss his upcoming appearance at UFOCON in San Francisco and delve into his background in the world of black projects. Also, see my 2nd interview with David covering what happened at Area 51 on this channel! This is a wide ranging discussion about alien technology, David's inventions and rocketry as well as Antarctica, interstellar space travel and a possible CME from the sun. Short bio: David Adair built a rocket with first strike capability at the age of 17, secretly funded by the U.S. Government. He was during that time, shown an alien engine at Area 51 with an engine design similar to his own rocket. He claims he was tortured by Arthur Rudolph and rescued by General Curtis LeMay. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelotportal.com