The Ascension Sessions With Tracey Ash on Training, Mentorship & Discernment: Conscious Life Expo

The Ascension Sessions

Cheri Arellano interviews Tracey Ash on this timely topic of consciousness training, mentorship and discernment. Filmed at the 2020 Conscious Life Expo, this topic comes in during a time when many are going through spiritual awakening, their own ascension timeline, and they may require a mentor or training. How do we use our discernment when making these important decisions? Please comment below if you found this to be helpful. TRACEY ASH Her work on evolution, ascension and contact has taken her to the United Nations, honoured by PSI JAPAN & researched by EMOTO. In CONTACT she receives time, date and location for contact and owns an incredible footage library. Her ongoing work and pioneering training programs prepares humanity for contact. In September this message went mainstream to an extraordinary ONE MILLION in Tokyo Sports Post. She is Co-Founder of Avatars of The Earth Gathering and next-level spiritual warfare and mystic arts Ancient Intelligence Mystery School. She is also an alchemist, meta-physician, channel, planetary grid expert. -------------- If you like this video, please like it and subscribe, and share your comments with us. Twitter: Facebook: Visit: © The Ascension Sessions - All Rights Reserved. Please ask for permission before embedding this video into your YouTube Channel or website.