Dr Horace Drew Decoding UFO's And Crop Circles 2017 (Part 1) - 27/10/2017

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Dr Horace Drew presented this talk at the meeting of UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated on the 7 October 2017 at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. Each year Horace travels to Britain to examine and analyse new crop circles, especially around the Stonehenge, Silbury Hill and Avebury areas. He has interpreted the binary code seen in several crop circles and believes the crop circles are messages made by time travelling ETs. Horace has a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech and has worked for the CSIRO in Australia. He witnessed a UFO in Florida, USA in 1965 and this stirred his interest in pursuing a career in science. This presentation includes the messages from crop circles, including those of the European summer in 2017. He also presents some of Matthew Williams’ 2017 Crop Circle movie, which is a visual feast covering some of the most beautiful and complex crop circle designs. Horace’s previous presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Richard Dolan's Australian UFO Phenomenom Presentation 30/1/2017

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

This is Richard Dolan's (USA) first presentation in Australia on UFOs at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW on the 5 November 2016. Richard is a UFO researcher, historian and author. He has been featured on Ancient Aliens, Hangar One, and as a guest, on Coast to Coast (USA). UFOs are a global reality affecting nations and people everywhere. Richard presents a geopolitical analysis of the UFO phenomenon including the international dimensions of the cover-up. Particularly the role of the United States and its relationships to key allies (such as the EU), as well as to Russia and China. He discusses the true structure of power behind the scenes (as best as we can currently understand it), and will attempt to look into how the UFO cover-up may develop, or end. Topics covered are, government cover-up, false-flag events, breakaway civilisations, life after UFO disclosure and extra-terrestrial abductions. Richard Dolan’s website: www.richarddolanpress.com

Dr Horace Drew - Decoding UFO'S And Crop Circles Part 1 - 27/10/2017

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Dr Horace Drew presented this talk at the meeting of UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated on the 7 October 2017 at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. Each year Horace travels to Britain to examine and analyse new crop circles, especially around the Stonehenge, Silbury Hill and Avebury areas. He has interpreted the binary code seen in several crop circles and believes the crop circles are messages made by time travelling ETs. Horace has a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech and has worked for the CSIRO in Australia. He witnessed a UFO in Florida, USA in 1965 and this stirred his interest in pursuing a career in science. This presentation includes the messages from crop circles, including those of the European summer in 2017. He also presents some of Matthew Williams’ 2017 Crop Circle movie, which is a visual feast covering some of the most beautiful and complex crop circle designs. Horace’s previous presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel

Dr Horace Drew - Decoding UFO's And Crop Circles 27/10/ 2017 - Part 1

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Dr Horace Drew is well known to our audience due to his previous presentations. Each year he travels to Britain to examine and analyse the new crop circles, especially around the Stonehenge, Silbury Hill and Avebury areas. He has interpreted the binary code seen in several crop circles and believes the crop circles are messages made by time travelling ETs. Horace has a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech and has worked for CSIRO. He witnessed a UFO in Florida in 1965 which stirred his interest in pursuing a career in science. For this presentation he plans to review the most important recent messages from crop circles, including those of the European summer in 2017. He will show some of Matthew Williams’ 2017 Crop Circle movie, which is a visual feast covering some of the most beautiful and complex crop circle designs. Horace’s previous presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel. This presentation promises to be just as eye opening and fascinating

Dr Horace Drew - Decoding UFO'S and Crop Circles Part 1 2017

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Published on Oct 27, 2017

Dr Horace Drew is well known to our audience due to his previous presentations. Each year he travels to Britain to examine and analyse the new crop circles, especially around the Stonehenge, Silbury Hill and Avebury areas. He has interpreted the binary code seen in several crop circles and believes the crop circles are messages made by time travelling ETs. Horace has a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech and has worked for CSIRO. He witnessed a UFO in Florida in 1965 which stirred his interest in pursuing a career in science. For this presentation he plans to review the most important recent messages from crop circles, including those of the European summer in 2017. He will show some of Matthew Williams’ 2017 Crop Circle movie, which is a visual feast covering some of the most beautiful and complex crop circle designs. Horace’s previous presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel. This presentation promises to be just as eye opening and fascinating.

George Kavassilas - Artificial Intelligence (AI) 28/3/2017

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

This presentation was recorded at the UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated meeting held at Club Burwood on the 4 March 2017. George is an author, mentor and speaker. The presentation is about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) controlling our world and whether it is alien, or human. Many of us have considered the idea of a Matrix controlling this planet and at times feel as if we are being steered according to someone’s agenda. George explores the geopolitical and exopolitical nature of AI and who is behind it. George has had a lifetime of strange and wonderful experiences. He has encountered both benevolent and malevolent, inter-dimensional and extra-terrestrial beings. As a result, George embodies a limitless passion in answering life’s primordial questions, such as, ‘Who are we, where do we come from and what are we doing here?’ The knowledge George shares, along with his values and philosophy have helped thousands of people, to feel, to live in a peaceful, and empowered state. George knows his life path carries a focus to expose all levels of deception, no matter how far they go, and a deep seeded responsibility to help and liberate humanity from doctrine and dogma, without exception. As George has said, ‘It’s really a remembering process to revitalise and resurrect the Sovereign and Infinite Being, you truly are.’ His website can be viewed at: www.iaminfinite.love.

Dr Horace Drew - Crop Circles Researcher And Scientist -9/6/2016

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Dr Horace Drew speaking at UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated meeting held at Club Burwood, Burwood NSW Australia on 6 June 2015. ‘Crop pictures seem to be the marks made by time travellers: a brief summary of past work, and a presentation of the latest field images from April to early June of 2015′ – Dr Horace R Drew (Caltech 1976-81), MRC LMB Cambridge (1982-86), CSIRO Australia (1987-2010). My mainstream scientific research (1976-2010) focused on the structure of DNA, and its role in molecular biology and health. Our group at Caltech did the first structure at high resolution of normal right-handed DNA in 1980, by x-ray diffraction from single crystals (see http://www.pnas.org/content/78/4/2179...). We also co-discovered left-handed DNA (see http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/...). Later I wrote a graduate-level textbook on DNA with three colleagues from Cambridge, England (see http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/...). I first became interested in crop circles in 2002, when I attended a scientific meeting in Cambridge that dealt with the wrapping of DNA into chromosomes. Two weeks before this meeting took place, a major subject of our discussions (called the nucleosome core) was drawn in a field near Crooked Soley, partway between Avebury and Cambridge (see http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/an...). After that strange incident, I began to study those enigmatic field images as any good scientist would do. I gradually learned how to understand their intellectual content and codes, which depend not only on patterns in the flattened crop, but also on features of the landscape nearby. It slowly became clear that all of the ‘real’ crop pictures were being made by advanced ET scientists of various kinds (physics, math, chemistry, astronomy or biology), who possess intelligence and knowledge far beyond our own. Such artistic images are designed to be seen from high in the air, or even from space. Thus all of (i) aerial photography, (ii) Google Earth and (iii) ground photography are required to assess their meanings. For current information, please go to the Crop Circle Connector website, by googling ‘crop circles 2015′. Some of their field pictures show partial images of the future, although they do not predict the future per se (see http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/an...). There has been a fierce cover-up of this subject (along with UFO matters) in the mainstream media, and also on ‘respected’ internet sites such as Wikipedia. As the result of this cover-up, 99.99% of the general public today do not know what is really going on. It is hard for them to accept that they have been lied to, by media authorities whom they unwisely trusted. Leading newspapers or TV stations lie blatantly about crop circles, without any ethical concern for telling the truth (see for example http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/an...). Major scientific journals print false information as their cover stories (see http://www.iop.org/news/11/aug/page_5...). My personal view is that the ‘crop artists’ represent a coalition of human or ET races who oppose the alien Greys. They warn about major problems for human civilization on Earth in the near future. Their longest text message was drawn in 2002 (see http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/an...). No group of human fakers have ever come close to reproducing that highly complex image, which appeared in less than four hours of English darkness during August. It pointed toward a radio transmitter nearby for BBC Winchester, and said in part: ‘We oppose deception’, meaning ‘lies told by the British press!’ Some of the best crop-circle puzzles or messages in history (up to 2011) were summarized here (see http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/an...). During the current summer season of 2015, farmers in England or Europe have become very aggressive toward intruders in their fields, and will call the police or prosecute anyone found there, for trespass and criminal damage. Thus the only fake crop pictures which we have seen, in recent years, were rare cases when someone paid the farmer for use of his field, typically L1000 to L2000 English pounds. Given such prohibitive conditions for making fake crop pictures, about one-third of the total number dropped out from the summer of 2013 onward, while most of the well-made ones which we see today in 2014 or 2015 appear paranormal and authentic, with a few exceptions. Many Thanks to Mark Fussell and the “Crop Circle Connector” website.

Transformation - Lecture By Mary Rodwell 19/6/2016

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated

Mary will explore how Ufology has needed to expand its mandate to accept the evidence of multidimensionality as part of close encounters. Mary will also discuss the Foundation for the Research into Extra-terrestrial Encounters (FREE) survey results. Cases of ET Encounters and how the multi-dimensional nature of contact has links with experiencers, their recall of past lives, NDEs, OBEs and shamanic experiences. Mary will also cover accounts of children who consciously recall their past lives and their reason for coming to Earth; their links to other planets and their understanding of objects they have seen on space craft and on other planets in a past incarnation. Mary will discuss her second book, The New Human – Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage due for release this year. About Mary Rodwell Mary Rodwell is a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, researcher, metaphysician, and founder and principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network). She is internationally known for her work with ET experiencers and star children. She offers regressions and support for contactees and has organised a buddy system to help those who have had close encounters. Mary has spoken at conferences in Australia, USA, UK, Scandinavia, Hawaii and New Zealand. She is a regular guest on international radio and online shows and writes article for international publications like the UFO Truth Magazine. Mary is co-founder of FREE, a non-profit organisation aimed at researching close encounters. She is the author of, Awakening – How extra-terrestrial contact can transform your life. Mary is working on her second book, The New Human, due for release this year.